
Knowledge Base

Get Started with Your Reseller Account

So... you're a Reseller on A Small Orange and you're raring to go. But you don't know how to get started! Keep reading below to get the lowdown on getting your new Reseller Account up and running in a jiffy.

Step 1 All About WHM

You will use WHM to manage your Reseller accounts for A Small Orange. Get the scoop on WHMhow to login and other login URLs you may need to know before you get started.

Step 2 Set Up Nameservers

First you're going to want to set up your nameservers and then set them as the default for all your new accounts. Follow the Set Up Custom Nameservers tutorial for each of the domains in your Reseller account.

Step 3 Create Packages

Now that you have all your Reseller domains set up with the right nameservers, you want to create Packages. A package is basically a plan or pre-defined set of account specifics you put together for your Reseller domains.

Once you have all the packages you want created, assign each domain to one of your packages (Reseller accounts) in WHM to define what limits and features that domain has access to.

Step 4 Other Things You Can Do

From time to time, you may want to pop into your Reseller accounts and check the disk space for each or the bandwidth usage. That way, you can keep an eye on how much each is using so they don't accidentally run over! If they're getting close to topping out you can also increase their disk space limit as well.

And at any time you can log into WHM and modify any of your accounts. If someone is misbehaving, suspend them, or even terminate the account! Easily upgrade or downgrade a specific account right from WHM as well.

If your Reseller gets locked out and forgets their password, quickly reset their password for them.


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