
Knowledge Base

View the Disk Space for your Reseller Account

If you want to pop in and check how much disk space your Reseller account is using, you can do so right from WHM. You can also see how much disk space each of your individual cPanel accounts have from your cPanel dashboard.

View Disk Space per cPanel Account

To view the disk space allotment and usage for a specific account:

  1. Log into WHM.

  2. Click Account Information.

  3. Click List Accounts.

The allotments for each cPanel account will be listed in the Quota and Disk Used columns.

View Disk Space for Entire Reseller Account

To see the total amount of disk space for your entire Reseller account:

  1. Log into WHM.

  2. Click Account Functions.

  3. Click Create a New Account.

At the bottom of the page, in the Account Creation Resource Information section, the total disk space and bandwidth for the entire Reseller account is listed, along with the amounts allotted per package.

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