
Knowledge Base

Modify an Account in WHM

The Modify an Account function in WHM can be used to update a cPanel account which you previously created. See detailed instructions below.

To modify an account in WHM:

  1. In the left-hand side menu, in the Account Functions section, click Modify an Account

  2. From the Account Selection list, click the domain you wish to modify
    Note: you can also search for an account by typing keywords in the Account Search text box.

  3. Click Modify

  4. On the next page, modify the information you wish to change, which include:

    • Basic Information - This section allows you to edit the primary domain name, username, account owner, contact email, default locale and cPanel theme for the account.

    • Resource Limits - This section allows you to edit the package and limits for disk quota, bandwidth, email accounts, FTP accounts, mailing lists, SQL databases, subdomains, parked domains and addon domains.

    • Privileges - This section allows you to edit reseller privileges, CGI privilege and shell access.

    • DNS Settings - This section allows you to edit DKIM and SPF settings for an account.

    • Package Extensions - If there are package extensions included on an account or its package, you may be able to edit certain variables.

  5. Click Save when done

If the settings you have selected do not match an existing package, the Package Conflict Resolution dialog box will appear with the following options:

  • Upgrade/downgrade the account to a package that matches the new properties

  • Create a new package with this name.

  • Update package with new values.

  • Set the account to have no package.

  • Keep this account on package (not recommended)

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