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Install a WordPress Theme

WordPress allows the use of custom themes for a blog so that you can make your website look fresh and original. There are a couple of ways you can get custom themes to use on your WordPress site:

  • Download a theme from the internet onto your local computer then upload it via the WordPress Dashboard.

  • Search for a theme via the WordPress Dashboard Themes section.

Search for a Theme in WordPress

WordPress allows you to search for themes based on specific keywords and/or features. To begin searching from your WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Log into WordPress.

  2. In the left-side navigation menu, click Appearance and then Themes.

  3. Along the top of the screen, click Add New.

  4. Search or browse through available themes by specific keyword, author or tag.

You can preview a theme by hovering over the theme and clicking Preview.

Search for a Theme on the Web

You can also find a theme for your WordPress website on the web at places like Theme Forest, Elegant Themes, WP Tiger and more. Just search 'WordPress theme' in your search engine of choice and explore away! Make sure to download your selected theme to your Desktop, once found.

Download and Install Your Theme

After choosing a theme through your preferred method, follow the instructions below to install the theme on your WordPress site.

Note: not all WordPress themes are compatible with the latest version of WordPress. Be sure the theme being installed is compatible with the version of WordPress installed. You can read the info related to your theme to determine this before installation.

  1. Log into WordPress.

  2. From the left-side navigation menu, click Appearance, then Themes.

  3. Along the top of the screen click Add New.

  4. If you've downloaded your theme from a theme site like we listed above, click the Upload Theme button.

  5. Click Choose File, select your preferred theme and click Install Now.

    Note: make sure the theme files are compressed in a .zip format. 


  6. Click Activate next to your installed theme to have it configured for your website.

To customize your chosen theme a bit, click Appearance from the left menu, then Themes. Then click Customize, which will take you to a page with a few theme options.

See also Configure Your Navigational Menu in WordPressInstall WordPress with SoftaculousMove Your WordPress Site to A Small Orange

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