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Log Into WordPress

So, you've signed up for a WordPress blog or website, but you don't know how to log in!? Don't worry, it's easy as pie!

Note: Your domain name should be pointed to your web hosting already.

To log into your WordPress dashboard:

  1. Navigate to 'http:///YourURL.com/wp-admin', where 'YourURL.com' is your actual website URL.

    If you installed WordPress to a sub-directory, then the URL you'd go to would be 'http://YourURL.com/blog/wp-admin', where 'blog' is whatever sub-directory path you've installed it to.

    Wordpress login

  2. Enter your username in the Username blank, and your password in the Password blank.

  3. Click the Log In button.

You will be directed to your WordPress dashboard!

Still having problems logging? See how you can reset your WordPress password. Contact Support if you need further assistance.

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