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Set Comment and Notification Settings in WordPress

So you have a WordPress blog, but people aren't commenting on it. What's going on? It MAY be because you have the wrong comment or notification settings in WordPress. But that's easy to change.

  1. Log into WordPress.

  2. From the left-hand sidebar click Settings.

  3. Click Discussion.

  4. Tick or untick any options on this page to configure your comment and notification settings.

    • Make sure the 'Allow people to post comments on new articles' option in the Default Article Settings section is ticked if you want to allow commenting on your posts.

    • In the Other Comment Settings section tick the first option, 'Comment author must fill out name and e-mail', if you want to make sure your commenters are providing some sort of identification.

    • In the 'E-mail Me Whenever' section tick the boxes next to the actions you'd like to prompt an email notification be sent to you.

    • If you want to approve comments before they appear on your site tick the 'Comment Must Be Manually Approved' option.

    • Set your preferred avatar options in the Avatar section.

  5. Set any other specifications located on the page and then click the Save Changes button.

See also Moderate Comments in WordPress

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