
Knowledge Base

Restore Website Files via R1Soft Backups

The R1Soft Righteous Continuous Data Protection (CDP) Software runs periodically and takes a "snapshot" of your home directory for each backup point.

All systems are backed up to R1Soft daily. This includes all Shared, Reseller, Business, VPS and Dedicated plans. These restore points are set to be retained for one week before they are rotated out for the newest snapshot. We do not, however, backup 'innodb' tables.
Note: R1Soft backups are not guaranteed, and are meant for your convenience only. Firewall issues, a hardware failure on a backup server, network problems or similar could potentially interfere with the backup system communicating with the individual servers. It's recommended that you make a periodic manual backup for safeguarding purposes.

To restore files using R1soft Backup Retrieval:

  1. Log in to cPanel.

  2. Navigate to the Files section, then click R1Soft Backup

  3. Click the file folder magnifying glass icon to the right of the recovery point you want to restore

  4. Navigate through your home directory by double-clicking on the file folder icons next to the folder names; navigate backward by using the Up button near the top

  5. Tick the checkbox next to the files and folders you want to restore

  6. Once you have finished your selection click the Restore Selected button to start the restore process
    Note: any files not owned by you in your home directory cannot be restored by the plugin, like the 'access-logs' folder. This isn't usually a problem, but if you have a situation where your entire home directory was borked or trashed get in touch with us and we'll see what we can do to help!

  7. You will be asked to confirm that you are overwriting files that already exist as backup copies; if this isn't what you want to do click Cancel and either rename or move the existing files before attempting another restore

  8. A window will appear that allows you to monitor the process as it works; if there are any errors during the restore you can view them in the Files Restored tab
    Note: if you close this window the process will continue, but you won't be able to get back to this screen to know WHEN the restore is complete.

  9. When the restore is complete you will see a 'Success: File restore completed successfully' message

If there are any issues with your restore process get in touch with us so we can alleviate any problems you're seeing.

Note: the R1Soft Backup Retrieval DOES contain MySQL databases but you will need to submit a support request or enter a live chat with one of our support ninjas to have your MySQL backup restored.

See also: Accessing Your cPanel Account

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