
Knowledge Base

Make a cPanel Account Backup

A full cPanel account backup creates a single file with all of your website files, databases, email accounts, cPanel configuration, Softaculous installation data, and more. This single file can be uploaded to any cPanel server and restored so that the account will function exactly like it did at the time of the backup.

ASO servers run a backup script once per day to create a full cPanel backup of each account on the server. Each backup is overwritten every 24 hours. 

To create a full account backup of your cPanel account:

  1. Log in to cPanel.

  2. Click Backup in the Files section.

  3. Click the Download button in the Full Backup section.

  4. Pick home directory from the Backup Destination dropdown menu.

  5. Enter the email address where you'd like to receive a completion report (or tick the option to not receive an email notification.

  6. Click Download a Full Website Backup.

  7. Go back one page in your browser and click Refresh on your browser toolbar; you'll see an in progress message accompanied by a yellow exclamation point.

  8. When the backup is finished the message will say 'Download a full website backup' and you'll see a green check mark icon that you can click to access the backup.

To restore a full account backup:

  1. Log in to cPanel.

  2. Click Backups in the Files section.

  3. Click the Choose File button adjacent to Restore a Home Directory Backup.

  4. Located the file you'd like to restore your account to and click Open.

  5. Click Upload.

  6. Contact our Support team.

Support will let you know when it's complete.

To backup the home directory only:

  1. Log in to cPanel.

  2. Click Backups in the Files section.

  3. Click the Home Directory button under 'Download a Home Directory Backup.'

  4. Click OK in the dialog box that appears.

To backup a MySQL database:

  1. Log in to cPanel.

  2. Click Backups in the Files section.

  3. Click the database name in the Download a MySQL Database Backup section.


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