
Knowledge Base

Create a New Reseller Hosting Account

To create a new hosting account under your reseller account please follow these steps:

  1. Log into Reseller Central by visiting https://cp.hostnine.com.

  2. In the Account Functions section click Create Account.

  3. Enter the domain you wish to create the account for; this domain should not be created anywhere else such as an addon or parked domain.

  4. Enter a username for the account, the maximum length is 8 characters long. Please use at least one number in the accounts username.

  5. Choose a secure password, a secure password is typically longer than 8 characters and includes upper and lower case letters, numbers, as well as symbols (%, ^, &, #, (, ), $, !, +, =). An example would be "dADGN(c^L%PMwVv"
    Note: do not use this as this is only an example!

  6. Enter the contact email for the account, if this is for a customer this would be their email address

  7. Select the package, if you have not yet created a package please view this article.

  8. Select the operating system. We recommend unless you or your client has had experience with a Windows (Plesk) server, that you choose Linux (cPanel) instead as it is much easier for beginners.

  9. Select the location for the account, this is the location the account would be physically located.

  10. Click 'Create Account'.

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