Backup Your VPS or Dedicated Server
Many options are available to back up your virtual private or dedicated server. Read on to find out your options and how you can ensure all your content is backed up in case of an emergency!
Before you get started, you should know that the R1Soft option DOES NOT use any of your allocated space to store backups, but the WHM and Cloud Command options do.
R1 Soft
The R1Soft Righteous Backup Software is a plugin that runs periodically and takes a "snapshot" of your home directory for each backup point. The R1Soft software keeps backup points to roll back website or application changes. You can purchase R1 Soft by contacting Support (we'll set it up for you) so that you can access those backups whenever you want. We do backup 'innodb' tables, but they are more difficult to restore (get in touch with any 'innodb' questions).
Note: R1Soft backups are not guaranteed and are only for your convenience. Firewall issues, hardware failure on a backup server, network problems, or similar could potentially interfere with the backup system communicating with the individual servers. It's recommended that you make a periodic manual backup for safeguarding purposes.
Your Cloud VPS will be backed up by default, even if you don't purchase R1Soft. With the plugin, however, you can restore the data from the home directory on your account. R1Soft does not use allocated space to store backups.
To restore files using R1Soft Backup Retrieval:
Log in to cPanel.
Navigate to the Files section, then R1Soft Backup.
Navigate to the files or folders you need to restore.
Go ahead and restore them via the below options:
Browse allows you to browse your backup and download or restore certain files.
Backup - allows you to download the whole backup to your local machine. The backup can be downloaded as a .tar or .zip archive.
Send to Agent - allows you to restore your account from certain backup files. It will do a complete restore of files. -
Go ahead and contact us so we can restore any other lingering data for you.
Configuring WHM Backups
WARNING: This option is not necessarily recommended. Because WHM backups are resource-intensive and backups take up a lot of space on your server (uses allocated space), there is a possibility that your server will go down if you go over your space limit. If you are cautious of this fact and are fully aware of the space constraints of your system as it runs, then by all means, dive in!
You can configure a backup of your own server and its info from WHM.
Note: a backup will account for 50-75% of an account's total size (based on the account size). See Warning above. If you proceed with backing up via WHM, we recommend only taking one daily or one weekly backup so you don't run out of space.
To configure your own WHM backup:
Log into WHM.
In the search bar near the top left-hand side of the page, search 'Backup Configuration.'
Click Backup Configuration once populated.
In the Backup Status area, ensure that 'Enable' is the ticket option within the Global Settings section.
In the Backup Type area, tick 'Compressed'.
If you have an extensive account, increase the time out seconds in the blank right after 'Maximum destination time...'
Note: this isn't necessarily recommended, as it can majorly slow down the server.
Now you can configure how many backups you create and for how long you keep them in the Scheduling and Retention section:
Tick the option to backup either daily, weekly, or monthly, and specify your days.
Also, specify how many daily backups you want to retain.
Note: it is recommended that you only retain one to two backups and backup three times a week unless you have a super large amount of space available to you.
Now, let's work on the Files section:
Untick the Backup System Files option.
Leave the rest of the defaults as-is.
Click the Select Users button.
Note: this is an important step, as you need to select which users are backed up. Users are disabled from backups by default.
Make sure the box near the top right of the chart is ticked in the window that populates. -
Click the downward pointing arrow adjacent to that box and select Enable All Backups (this enables backups for all accounts).
If desired, you can select individual accounts to include or exclude as well via the listed options in the chart (switch each user on and off in the Backups column).
Any time a new account is created, it must be enabled for backups in this configuration screen. You can also access the Backup User Selection from within WHM. -
Now switch back to the previous tab where you viewed the options in the Files section and scroll down to the Databases section.
Make sure 'Per Account Only' is ticked.
In the Configure Backup Directory section, you can leave the defaults as-is.
In the Additional Destinations section, you can configure your backups to be stored on a remote service like AWS.
Note: this is an advanced option and should only be used if you've received instructions on how to set it up from your 3rd party storage provider.