
Knowledge Base

Use Tumblr with Your Domain

How to Use Tumblr With Your Domain

This guide will tell you how to configure your domain entirely to use Tumblr's blogging platform, or just part of it so you can still use your ASO hosting.

Use Your Entire Domain Name

  1. Log into your Tumblr Dashboard: http://www.tumblr.com/dashboard

  2. On the right-hand side click on 'Customize'.

  3. Now click on Info at the top left.

  4. Check the box that says 'Use a custom domain name'

  5. Type in the field: 'yourdomain.com' (where yourdomain.com is your actual domain URL)

  6. When done click on 'Save & Close' at the top-right

  7. Now open a support ticket with ASO and say:

    Hey Guys!

    Can you please change my domain's A record to:

    With Love,
    - Awesome Customer Name Here

    We make the change and after 24-48 hours to allow your DNS to fully propagate you can now use your Tumblr account with your domain name. So if your Tumblr is 'example.tumblr.com' and you do the above, when visitors access either http://www.example.com or http://example.com they will see all the content from your Tumblr.

Use Part of Your Domain and Retain Hosting

  1. Log into your Tumblr Dashboard: http://www.tumblr.com/dashboard

  2. On the right-hand side click 'Customize'

  3. Click Info, at the top left

  4. Check the box that says 'Use a custom domain name

  5. Type 'blog.yourdomain.com' in the text field

  6. When done, click 'Save & Close'

  7. Open a support ticket and say:

    Hey Guys!

    Can you please add the following A record for my domain: blog 14400 IN A

    With Love,
    - Awesome Customer Name Here

  8. We make the change and after 24-48 hours to allow your DNS to fully propagate you can now use your Tumblr account with your domain name while still enjoying ASO's stellar services<\

    So if your Tumblr is 'example.tumblr.com and you do the above. When visitors access http://blog.example.com they will see all the content from your Tumblr. When visitors access http://www.example.com or http://example.com they will see content from ASO's servers.

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