
Knowledge Base

Setup Email for Mac OS

In setting up your Mac to receive your mail, you will need to follow this guide to make sure you've added the email account in your cPanel.

You can manage and access your mailbox by setting up an email client on your desktop or mobile device. This article provides a complete set of matching settings for each desired email configuration for our servers.

Email Client Configuration Settings

SSL Settings

Please replace example.com with your actual domain name.


Inbound Server - mail.example.com
Port: 993

Inbound Server - mail.example.com
Port: 995

Outbound Server - mail.example.com
Port: 465

Non-SSL Settings

Please replace example.com with your actual domain name.


Inbound Server - mail.example.com
Port: 143

Inbound Server - mail.example.com
Port: 110

Outbound Server - mail.example.com
Port: 25 or 587

Configuring macOS

macOS is an operating system used by Apple personal computers such as the Apple MacBook Pro, etc. It has a default mail client, which you can configure as follows:

  1. In your MacBook, launch the Mail App.
    MacOS - Launch Mail App
  2. Choose Other Mail Account.
    MacOS - Other Mail Account
  3. Please enter the NameEmail Address, and Password for your email account with us and click on Sign In.
    MacOS - Add a Mail Account
  4. Enter the hostnames, port numbers, and encryption methods for the Incoming Mail and Outgoing Mail servers. See the Email Client Configuration Settings.
    MacOS - Mail Settings
  5. You've successfully set up your Email account.
    MacOS - Email account successfully Added
  6. Check your Inbox for any emails you receive.
    MacOS - Check Inbox
  7. Start composing your email and send it.
    MacOS - Compose Email
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