
Knowledge Base

Setup Email for Android Devices

Configuring your email client may seem overwhelming at first. However, provided that you have the key information you need, you can get your emails up and running quickly.

First, it is important to know what your email configuration settings are. You need these so you can set up your preferred email client.

SSL Settings

Please replace example.com with your actual domain name.


Inbound Server: mail.example.com
Port: 993

Inbound Server: mail.example.com
Port: 995

Outbound Server: mail.example.com
Port: 465

Non-SSL Settings

Please replace example.com with your actual domain name.


Inbound Server: mail.example.com
Port: 143

Inbound Server: mail.example.com
Port: 110

Outbound Server: mail.example.com
Port: 25 or 587

Setting Up Email Client in Mobile Devices

The instructions below discuss how you can set up your email client on your mobile device using the settings above.


  1. On your mobile device, launch your preferred email client application. In this example, we will use Gmail.
  2. Once launched, look for Settings.

    Email App for Android

  3. Select Add Account, then Other.
  4. Enter your complete email address. Click Next.

    Add Email Address

  5. Select preferred incoming protocol - IMAP or POP.

    Email Protocol Options

  6. Enter your password, then click Next.

    Email Password

  7. Using the settings above, enter the incoming server and port, then click Next.

    incoming server

  8. Enter the outgoing server and port. Once done, click Next.

    outgoing server and port.

  9. Enable preferred settings.

    Account  option

    • Notify me when the email arrives
    • Sync emails for this account
    • Automatically download attachments when connected to WiFi.
  10. (Optional) Enter a preferred name to your account. Click Next.

    Display name

You now have successfully set up your emails on your device!

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