
Knowledge Base

Set Up Nameservers at Registrar

In order for people to find your website, you will need to configure DNS and set nameservers. You can either use our nameservers, or you can use third-party name servers. Either way, you would need to configure them so your domain works with your A Small Orange web hosting account.

DNS is an acronym for Domain Name Server, and is the system used to translate word-based addresses of systems (like 'www.example.com') to the numerical IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer or system that should be located at that address. All computers and systems on the Internet use addresses that look similar to:


See 1&1's detailed instructions here: http://help.1and1.com/domains-c36931/manage-domains-c79822/dns-c37586/use-your-own-name-server-for-a-1and1-domain-a594904.html.

A Small Orange

If you registered your domain through A Small Orange, you'll need to login to the Customer Area at https://customers.asmallorange.com. Then:

  1. Click My Domains

  2. Click Manage Domain, next to the domain in question

  3. Click the Registrar Lock tab and then click the Disable Registrar Lock button

  4. Click the Management Tools tab

  5. Click Register Nameservers from the available options

  6. Enter your nameserver, 'ns1.URL.com' and the IP address

  7. Click the Save Changes button

  8. Repeat for 'ns2.URL.com' and click the Save Changes button

  9. Click the Nameservers tab

  10. Enter your nameservers in the Nameservers text fields

  11. Click the blue Change Nameservers button to save your changes

  12. Navigate back to the Registrar Lock tab and reenable it via the Enable Registrar Lock button


See DirectNIC's detailed instructions here: https://directnic.com/knowledge/article/35:how+do+i+create+nameservers+for+my+domain+name%3F.


See DomainSite's detailed instructions here: https://www.name.com/support/articles/205934457-registering-custom-nameservers.


See Enom's detailed instructions here: http://www.enom.com/help/faq_dns.asp.

Scroll down towards the bottom of the page. In the 'Can I have my nameservers registered?' section, note that Register DNS option can be found by navigating to Domains, then Advanced Settings, and finally Register a Name Server.


See GoDaddy's detailed instructions here: https://ph.godaddy.com/help/edit-my-domain-nameservers-664 .


(Also applies to Dotster)

See MyDomain's detailed instructions here: https://www1.mydomain.com/help/article/domain-management-how-to-update-nameservers


See Namecheap's detailed instructions here: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/768/10/how-do-i-register-private-nameservers-for-my-domain.

Network Solutions

See Network Solutions detailed instructions here: http://www.networksolutions.com/support/create-a-new-name-server/.


See OpenSRS's detailed instructions here: https://help.opensrs.com/hc/en-us/articles/204191203-Adding-modifying-and-deleting-glue-records.


See Register.com's detailed instructions here: http://help.register.com/#Account Information/How_Do_I_Change_My_DNSSettings.htm?Highlight=add nameserver .


See Weebly's detailed instructions here: https://www.weebly.com/app/help/us/en/topics/manage-dns-records.


  1. Log in to your Account Manager

  2. Next to Domains, click Launch

  3. Click the domain name you want to use to register as your own nameserver

  4. In the Settings tab, click Manage next to Hostnames

  5. Click Add Hostname

  6. Enter the hostname you want to register

  7. Enter the two unique IP addresses you want to add to the host (nameservers need to be set to the IP address you've set up for your domain)

  8. Click Add

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