Knowledge Base
Categories: Getting Started
Ports Used for cPanel, Email, Web
The following is a list of commonly used ports we use here at ASO.
cPanel 2082 (SSL 2083)
WHM 2086 (SSL 2087)
Webmail 2095 (SSL 2096)
Webdisk 2077 (SSL 2078)
POP3 110 (SSL 995)
IMAP 143 (SSL 993)
SMTP 25 26 465 587 (SSL available on port 465)
HTTP 80 (SSL 443)
FTP 21 (SSL 990)
SSH/SCP/SFTP 22 (Shell access is enabled by default; please contact Support if you have any questions about this)
MySQL 3306 (remote access requires whitelist; please contact Support for assistance)
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