
Knowledge Base

FAQs about Migrations

If you're having trouble with your site(s) during our migration process, we apologize profusely! We try to manage migrations in a way that has as little effect on customer’s sites as possible.

  • We always email customers via their email address on their billing account about the migrations. If you didn't get an email, please let us know! It may have gone right into your spam folder.

  • The status of our migration via the real-time updated status page isn’t representative of individual customers. Once an account is moved over the migration is finished for that particular customer. The status number indicates how other sites on the server are doing, not yours in particular.

  • The bigger your site is, the longer it will take to migrate. If your site is a simple HTML site it will happen lickety-split. If you have tons of images and databases on your account the migration will take longer to push through. The ‘Your Site Has Been Moved’ page is visible to your site visitors when the site is sitting on two servers, right in the middle of the migration process. DNS propagation determines how fast your site is back up and functional, though we strive to make it the shortest amount of time possible. Sometimes DNS propagation can take up to 72 hours and you may experience some spotty connections during that timeframe.

  • We start migrations at around midnight Eastern time. Since they can easily take 10–12 hours and we can’t accurately predict when any given site will migrate, scheduling can be tough sometimes. We do our best to keep all sites operational during normal business hours.

  • You may need to make a few changes to your account as an effect of a migration. If you're using external DNS managers you may need to update your A record to point to the main IP for your new server. If you're using the server name as your incoming and outgoing mail servers then you'll need to update them to your new server name

We are continually changing and tweaking the migration process and are always open to feedback from you on how we could do it better. Get in touch with your questions and comments!

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