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Connect to a MySQL Database


In order for your MySQL database to work as intended, it will need a script calling or querying the database for the information it stores. In order to do this, you must connect your script to the database with a configuration file.

Configuration Settings

Database driven scripts, such as Wordpress, WHMCS and Joomla, will generally have a default configuration file ready for you to edit with the appropriate information. Below you will find examples of what this access information will look like:

Host Name = localhost (literally input localhost)
Database Name = cpanelUsername_databaseName
Database Username = cpanelUsername_databaseUsername
Database Password = whatever you selected

WordPress Example

Username = joe1337

Database Name = wrdp1

Database-Username = wp1

Database-User Password = eHTb7%Pxa9

// ** MySQL Settings ** //

/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'joe1337_wrdp1');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'joe1337_wp1');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'eHTb7%Pxa9');

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');


While it is possible to connect to the database using your cPanel username and password, we NEVER recommend this. Every time you change or reset your cPanel password your databases will stop working until configuration files are updated.

Tips and Tricks for Moving Databases

  • When you move databases to our servers, the database name and username may change. This change must be updated in your script code. The database name and username is clearly displayed in cPanel, in the MySQL area.

  • On Shared servers, the database username cannot be changed to something without the cPanel username in it. This is to keep database names and usernames from conflicting with others on the server.

MySQL User Has No Privileges

Since the 11.25 update, we've noticed an occasional bug where adding an IP to the MySQL remote access list results in the corresponding MySQL user having no privileges.

In order to get the correct privileges added:

  1. Go to your MySQL Databases in cPanel

  2. Re-add the user to each database by selecting the user and the database from the drop-down menus

  3. Reassign the privileges

  4. Click Add

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