
Knowledge Base

Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2010 for Email Access

This article assumes that you have already created an email address.

  1. Open Outlook 2010.
  2. Select Add Account under the File menu.
  3. Select Manually configure server settings or additional server types and click Next.
  4. Select Internet email and click Next.
  5. Select IMAP in the dropdown menu.
  6. Your User Name and Password is the email address and password you created in cPanel.
  7. Open More Settings and select My outgoing server (SMTP) requires. authentication on the Outgoing Server tab.
  8. Open the Advanced tab and enter the following:
    • Incoming server(IMAP) port: 993
    • Outgoing server(SMTP) port: 465
    • Select SSL for both Use the following type of encrypted connection dropdown menus
  9. Click OK to close the Internet E-mail Settings.
  10. Click Finish to start using Outlook 2010.
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