
Knowledge Base

Configuring Email on Mobile Devices

This guide assumes that the server will receive your email with us and not Google Apps or any other third-party service. This guide also assumes that the email client will be configured for one of your cPanel-created email accounts (cPanel->Email Accounts).

General Settings

The settings for your email account on your email client are fairly simple:

  • Incoming/Outgoing server/host (depending on the client) - your domain OR server name (server name is preferred with SSL/TLS connections)
  • Username and password are always as defined in your cPanel Email Accounts section when creating the account, and the username is the full email address
  • Ports: IMAP 143, IMAP SSL 993. POP3 110, POP3 SSL 995. SMTP 25 (try 26 if 25 does not work), SMTP SSL 465


To begin setting up your email for Android devices:

  1. Open your email client.
    Note: this tutorial is for the standard Android email client but applies to other software.
  2. Enter your full email address and password if you are prompted for it.
  3. If you are prompted for email account type, IMAP is preferred.
  4. Fill in your Incoming Server and Outgoing Server fields, which will be your domain name OR the server name (if your domain is not pointed to our DNS or you intend on using SSL).

If your email client does not set up your email account automatically, please open a support ticket on this issue, and we will help you determine the issue.

iOS (iPhone)

To begin setting up your email for iOS devices:

  1. Open email settings (for the default one, they will be located in Settings under Mail, Contacts, Calendars).
  2. Click Other.
  3. Select Add Mail Account.
  4. Fill out the first form with your name, full email address, password, and a simple description.
  5. Click the IMAP tab unless you'd like POP3 specifically.
  6. The Incoming Mail Server field should be filled automatically, but if it isn't, enter your domain name (if it points to the server with us) or the server name (if you'd like to use SSL or your domain is not pointed to our servers).
  7. Fill in the Outgoing Mail Server info if it is not populated automatically.
  8. Enter your username and password under Outgoing Mail Server.
  9. Click Next and then Save.

Enabling SMTP Authentication (required)

This is required. Below are instructions for completing this task for Android and iOS devices.


To continue setting up your email on your Android device:

  1. Open the Email app and navigate to the account you wish to set up.
  2. Press the Menu button on your device to bring up the Options menu.
  3. Click Account Settings.
  4. Click Outgoing Settings.
  5. Click Require Sign-In and input your username and password.

iOS (iPhone)

To continue setting up your email on your iOS device:

  1. Open email settings (for the default one, they will be located in Settings under Mail, Contacts, Calendars).
  2. Click the name of the email account you wish to configure.
  3. Click the Account blank text field.
  4. Click SMTP in the Outgoing Mail Server option.
  5. Click on the Primary Service field.
  6. Enter your username and password into the appropriate fields and ensure Authentication is set to Password.
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