
Knowledge Base

Cloud VIP Boost Overview

Cloud VIP Boost is an add-on product you can purchase within your Customer Area that allows you to receive increased CPU and disk performance for a nominal fee per month. Cloud VIP Boost improves overall performance on your virtual machine through higher priority ranking for storage and CPU resources and raises the upper limit on the raw storage throughput and storage in/out operations per second.

With Cloud VIP Boost you can execute faster and more reliably AND handled unexpected increases in traffic with ease... at only $10 a month!

Add Cloud VIP Boost to Your Plan

To add it:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area: https://customers.asmallorange.com/.

  2. Click Order, from within the My Services section.

  3. Select Product Addons from the dropdown menu.

  4. Click Order Now, adjacent to the Cloud VIP Boost product listing.
    Note: make sure to select the applicable domain from the dropdown if you have multiple on the account.

  5. Click the Checkout Now button and proceed with your order and payment.

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