
Knowledge Base

All About Cloud Command

What is Cloud Command?

Cloud Command is a backend interface that gives you more advanced control over the operations of your virtual private server. From Cloud Command you can manage power options, reset your root password, access the server directly via console, as well as manage disk functions such as formatting and re-installing operating systems and control panels.

Getting Started

To log in to your Cloud Command dashboard:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area.

  2. Click the Your Services icon from within the Your Services section.

  3. Click the View Details button adjacent to the account you'd like to access Cloud Command for.

  4. Scroll down to the bottom and click the Login to Cloud Command button.

    This is your main Cloud Command dashboard. You can see quick details to the right of each of your virtual private servers. 

    Cloud Command dashboar

  5. Click Virtual Private Servers icon (cloud icon), from the left-hand side menu bar.

  6. Click the bolded hostname (the name of your VPS) from the Virtual Servers list .

    Virtual Server list

    This will take you to the main page for various operations you may perform and Cloud Command features. You can checkout your VPS details, including memory, CPUs, disk size, IP addresses, and more.

Important Note Some tasks you send from Cloud Command may be queued when you send them, like when rebooting or reimaging, and may take a bit to complete. The commands aren't instant so don't attempt to access your server immediately after requesting a certain action, as your wait time will vary depending on where your command sits in the queue.

Common Features

Some of the most used features of Cloud Command include...

Power Control

With the On, Off and Reboot buttons located underneath the server description in the Properties you can easily power your VPS on and off or reboot it. You would typically reboot your VPS just like you do with your home computer. If you're having issues with it, it's running slow, or you're seeing other weirdness it's sometimes a good idea to reboot and start fresh. Sometimes, newly installed software requires a reboot to get rolling. 

Cloud command


The Console is used to connect directly to the server if outside networking can't connect. Console is useful for error-checking in cases where the system is hung or non-responsive. You can log into the console as 'root' with your root password.


Reset Your Root Password

Resetting your root password WILL also reboot the server. To easily reset your root password:

  1. Navigate to the green Tools button and click the downward-pointing arrow 

    Tools dropdown

  2. Click Reset Root Password.

    Password reset

  3. If you'd like to reset your password to a random password go ahead and click Reset Password with Random String

  4. If you want to reset your password to something of your own specification move the Set Password slider to the right, enter your password info and click Set Password
    Note: you can retrieve/view your new random password from within the Properties page of your VPS in Cloud Command. It won't show it to you within the same screen in which you set it. 

    password reset

Rebuild Your Server

Sometimes you may want to rebuild your server. If you have some things installed or have some old or errant accounts you want to get rid of, sometimes its nice to clear it out and start again. Rebuilding the server will completely reformat and remove all data from the server, and will allow the client to rebuild it using another (or the same) template. To rebuild your server:

  1. From within the Tools dropdown, click Rebuild Virtual Server (in the VS Options list)

  2. Choose your template from the Template dropdown (if you want to stick with what you had, stick with the pre-selected option

  3. Make sure Start VS after rebuild option is slid to the right and the Enable ext4 file system for VS option is slid to the left 

    rebuild server


  4. Click Rebuild Virtual Server
    Note: all info will be lost! Don't take this step unless you want to completely start from scratch with your VPS.

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